Lisa Mulliken
This graphic is adopted from Let’s Go!
5210 Let’s Go! is an obesity prevention program of The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at Maine Medical Center. This obesity prevention program focuses on daily physical activity and healthy eating for children from birth to 18 years of age. Although this program operates primarily in Maine, it partners with programs throughout the United States. The website provides free access to a Child Care Tool Kit as well as many online resources and training.
Let’s Go! promotes the 5210 message:
- 5 or more fruits and vegetables
- 2 hours or less recreational screen time*
- 1 hour or more of physical activity
- 0 sugary drinks, more water
*Please refer to the American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations for Children’s Media Use at
The 5210 Let’s Go! (( also encourages programs to implement 5 priority strategies to promote healthy eating and physical activity.
- Limit unhealthy choices for snacks and celebrations; provide healthy choices.
- Limit or eliminate sugary drinks; provide water.
- Prohibit the use of food as a reward.
- Provide opportunities to get physical activity every day.
- Limit recreational screen time.
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